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This book is totally revised and newly edited,

published 2006 as " The Natural System of Remedies".

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ISBN 3-00-001790-9

1. Edition, Okt. 1997







FAGUS- Verlag

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Copyright © Verlag Jörg Wichmann, Bergisch Gladbach

All rights reserved, including those of translation into other languages. No part of this book may reproduced, translated, copied, filmed, taken into electronic files, data carriers or internet without written permission of the publisher.



„In these experiments - as the certainty of the whole art of healing, and the wellfare of all future generations of mankind depends on them - in these experiments, I say, no other medicines should be employed except such that are perfectly well known, and of whose purity, genuineness and full effectiveness we are thoroughly assured."

Hahnemann, Organon § 122

„Es dürfen zu solchen Versuchen - denn von ihnen hängt die Gewißheit der ganzen Heilkunst und das Wohl aller folgenden Menschen-Generationen ab - es dürfen, sage ich, zu solchen Versuchen keine andern Arzneien, als solche genommen werden, die man genau kennt, und von deren Reinheit, Ächtheit und Vollkräftigkeit man völlig überzeugt ist."

Hahnemann, Organon § 122




Since we learned to know homeopathy and its materiae medicae, it seemed strange to us, that the remedies are always put into alphabetical order and that often it is not even recognizable what kind of substance it really is, that we are using.

During the last few years fortunately the question which natural substances we are dealing with and how they are related towards each other, has found more interest among those working with homeopathy. As in nature - as far as we understand it - there is nothing arbitrary, we have to suppose that with the further developement of our knowledge there will be a certain kind of structure to be found amongst homeopathic remedies, which will not be independent of the natural relationship among the substances as such.

We will only be able to systematically observe these similarities between different remedies as long as the natural order of relationships among animals, plants and chemical substances is known to us. The alphabetical order obviously does not encourage this. For this reason we have put the remedies into their modern scientific order. To avoid misunderstandings we wish to state clearly that we are not of the opinion that an homeopathic system of remedies and their relationship could be simply identical with this scientific order. But as a kind of working basis for further studies and observations the natural system will help us more than an alphabetical one.

In the following book you will find all homeopathic remedies mentioned in the common works of Hahnemann, Kent, Allen, Clarke, Hering, Boericke, Mezger and also in the more summarizing materiae medicae of Phatak, Vermeulen, Murphy. Besides this we have added most of the plants generally used in herbalism as well as the plants used by Edward Bach. We have tried to include the fast increasing number of proved or unproved new remedies, but certainly missed some of them.

Despite all our efforts there will be several mistakes and incompletenesses. And we are grateful for any corrections, suggestions, additions and criticism.

Notice: We wish to extend this book to include notes about existing provings for our remedies, with information by whom and how the proving was done and giving the adress for further material. Therefore we would appreciate all information about newly used or proved substances, with as precise as possible notes on their origin as well as an adress to ask for proving materials.

You will find a very good and most up to date list of modern homeopathic provings under www.dynamis.edu

Please get in touch with us by

Fax +49-2205-912563 or e-mail: info@homoeopathie-wichmann.de

We thank pharmacist Brita Gudjons; Kathleen A. Kron, Chairperson of Systematic Section of the Botanical Society of America; Jeremy Sherr; for important advice on the subject; David K. Warkentin.

We dedicate this book Massimo Mangialavori who put us on the path of researching the biological background of remedies.



Systematical Explanations:

The system of inanimate substances is build on the basis of the periodical table of elements after practical points of view.

The other systems in this book follow the commonly accepted zoological and botanical taxonomy, which was partly simplified, where more differentiation did not enhance the understanding of the relationships between remedies. Alternative taxonomical opinions are given in the text.

Additional to the plant and animal families, whose representatives are used as remedies, a few more families and orders are added to explain circles of relationship. Nevertheless the system of taxonomy could not be given at full extent, since this is much more than a booklet like this can offer.

The taxonomical levels used are the following:

Kingdom - e.g. Plantae, Plants

Phylum - e.G. Angiospermae, Flowering Plants

Class - e.G. Dicotyledonae

Subclass - e.G. Magnoliidae

Order - e.G. Ranunculales


Family - e.g. Ranunculaceae - Buttercup Family

1 Species - e.g. Hydrastis canadensis - (Hydr)

with: German name and: / English name

Kanadische Gelbwurz / Golden Seal

I Substance extracted: e.g. Hydrastinum muriaticum - (Hydrin-m)

with: German name and: / English name:

Hydrastinchlorid / Muriate of Hydrastia


A name different from the taxonomically correct one, which is in common homeopathic use, will be found after the / oblique. The usual homeopathic abbreviation (Complete Millenium) is put at the end of the main line in brackets. e.g.:

correct name / homeopathic name - (abbreviation)

Cinnamomum camphorum/ Camphora - (Camph)

Homeopathically common remedies are bold typed to find them easier.

Old abbreviations or alternative ones are given as Abr.: .... under synonyms. With our abbreviations we follow Synthesis 5.0 where possible, but not everywhere, since their list of synonyms and abbreviations includes mistakes, which we tried to correct as far as possible.

For some substances, mostly recent ones, it wasn´t possible to find any abbreviation in use. Here we made suggestions for an abbreviation und marked those with a #, e.g.: (#Vernx).

Plants, Animals and Chemicals, not being in homeopathic use according to our latest records, are marked:

<*phyto> - according to literature up to now only in phytotherapeutic use.

<*food> - only use as food.

<*expl> - only a widely known example for this family, no known use.

This also accounts for those substance where an homeopathic abbreviation is given, too.

<*Bach> - besides homeopathic or herbalist use also used as a Bach-Flower remedy.

The fact that for many Classes, Orders and Families of plants and animals we have given only Latin and German but no English names, has the simple reason, that in English speaking systematic biology there are only few common names in use (those we found, we did mention).


You can work in the book and find all information on the natural order of remedies, by clicking here or by using the "search" function of this website. Just type in the latin, english or german name or the homeopathic abbreviation of the remedy you are looking for.



Most of the material presented in this book is also included in the
programmes MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks.




The abbreviations after the bibliographical references are used in the text. The book only gives references for those notes, that are very unusual and different from the common notions.

Materia medica and homoeopathic literature

Allen, T.F. - The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, Bd. 1-12, New York 1874-80

Allen, H.C. - Materia Medica with the Nosodes and Provings of X-Ray

Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, ISSN 0175-7881, Heidelberg (AHZ)

Boericke, William - Handbuch der homöopathischen Materia medica, Quellenorientierte Neuübersetzung von Beha, Hickmann, Scheible, Heidelberg 1996 (bö)

Clarke, J.H. - A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Bd. 1-3, London 1900

Hahnemann, Samuel - Reine Arzneimittellehre, Dresden u.Leipzig 1830-33

Hahnemann, Samuel - Die Chronischen Krankheiten, Dresden u.Leipzig 1835

Hering, C. - The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica, 1879-91

Homeopathic Links, ISSN 1019-2050, Groningen, Niederlande (link)

Homöopathisches Arzneibuch, Amtliche Ausgabe, Gesamtausgabe + Nachtrag, Stuttgart 1978, bzw. Neufassung 1985 / Nachtrag 1991 (HAB)

Julian, O.A. - Materia Medica of the Nosodes

Kent, James Tyler - Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica, Chicago 1904

Leesers Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, (Hrsg. Martin Stübler, Erich Krug), (lee)

II. Mineralische Arzneistoffe, Ulm 1988; V. Tierstoffe, Ulm 1961

Mezger, Julius - Gesichtete Homöopathische Arzneimittellehre, Saulgau 1951 (me)

Murphy, Robin - Lotus Materia Medica. Homeopathic and Spagyric Medicins, Pagosa Springs, Colorado, 1995 (mu)

Schroyens, Frederik (Hrsg.) - Synthesis. Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum, London 1993

Vermeulen, Frans - Concordant Materia Medica, Haarlem 1994 (verm)

ders. - Synoptic Materia Medica II, Haarlem 1996

Zandvoort, Roger van - The Complete Repertory. Mind, Leidschendam 1994 (comp)

Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, ISSN 0935-0853, Heidelberg (KH)



Eberle / Ritzer: Arzneimittellehre - Neue homöopatische Arzneien 1, München 1999

Eising, Nuala: Vakuum – Die Prüfung, Verl. Karl-Josef Müller

Herrick, Nancy: Animal Mind, Human Faces, Hahnemann Clinic Publ.

Julian, O.A. - Neuere homöopathische Arzneimittelbilder, Regensburg 1988

Kottirsch, Martina: Bombus, in: Homöopathische Einblicke 30/97, S. 33ff

Rimmler, Uli: Der Flug des Kondors, in: Homöopathische Einblicke 40/99, S.43 ff

Robbins, Phillip: Koala – Die Prüfung, Verl. Karl-Josef Müller

Schuster, Bernd: Bambus in der Praxis, 1999

Schuster, Bernd: Cola, 2000

Shukla, Chetna N. u. Kittler, Monika: Anas indica – Prüfung und Kasuistik, Verlag Karl-Josef Müller

Versch.: Sieben Schmetterlinge, Verl. Karl-Josef Müller


Taxonomical and biological Literature

Brohmer, Paul - Fauna von Deutschland, Heidelberg 1974

Frohne, D., Jensen, U. - Systematik des Pflanzenreichs, Stuttg. Jena New York 1992

Frohne, D., Pfänder H.J. - Giftpflanzen. Ein Handbuch für Apotheker, Ärzte, Toxikologen und Biologen, Stuttgart 1997

Gienger, Michael - Lexikon der Heilsteine, Ludwigsburg 1997

Grzimeks Tierleben, Enzyklopädie des Tierreichs, Zürich 1971

Henssen, A., Jahns, H.-M. - Lichenes, Stuttgart 1974

Lehrbuch der zoologischen Systematik, Hrsg. Rolf Siewing, Stuttg. New York 1985

Madaus, Gerhard – Lehrbuch der biologischen Heilmittel, 3 Bd., Leipzig 1938 (m)

Mebs, Dietrich - Gifttiere. Ein Handbuch für Biologen, Toxikologen, Ärzte, Apotheker, Stuttgart 1992

Roth & Daunderer & Kormann – Giftpflanzen/ Pflanzengifte, Hamburg 1994

Schmeil-Fitschen - Flora von Deutschland, Heidelberg.Wiesbaden 1993 (schm)

Storch, V., Welsch, U. - Systematische Zoologie, Stuttgart New York 1980 (syn)

Urania Pflanzenreich, Blütenpflanzen, versch. Autoren, Leipzig-Jena-Berlin o.J.

Weberling/ Schwantes – Pflanzensystematik, Stuttgart 1999

Weiß, Rudolf Fritz - Lehrbuch der Phytotherapie, Stuttgart 1990 (we)