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This system will be totally revised and newly edited, published around March 15 th 2006 as " The Natural System of Remedies".
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Chordata/ Vertebrata - Wirbeltiere - Vertebrates
Aves - Vögel - Birds | ![]() |
Apodiformes/ Macrochiriformes - Seglerartige
Apodidae/ Cypselidae - Segler - Swifts
1 Nidus edulis - (Nid)Nester von Salanganen / Cave Swiftlet´s nests
Syn.: Name der Vögel: / name of the birds: Collocalia spec. 2 Apus apus - <*expl>Mauersegler / Swift
Trochilidae - Kolibris - Hummingbirds
Calypte Anna - (Calypt-a)
Annas Kolibri / Anna´s Hummingbird
Proving: Cynthia A. Shepard
Charadriiformes - Regenpfeiferartige
Laridae - Möwen - Seagulls
1 Larus argentatus - (Lar-ar)Silbermöwe / Herring Gull
Syn.: engl.: Sea Gull
Ciconiiformes Schreitvögel
Threskiornithidae Ibisse
1 Threskiornis aethiopica (Thres-ae)Ibis / Ibis
Lamellirostres Gänse-und Entenvögel Geese and Ducks
Anatidae Enten Ducks
Anas platyrhynchos indica ex ovo - (Anas-in)
Eischale der Indischen Laufente / Eggshell of Mallard
Proving: Chetna Shukla
Anas platyrhynchos europea - (Anas-e)
Europäische Stockente / Mallard
Cygnus bewickii - (Cygn-b)
Zwergschwan / Bewick´s Swan
Proving: Jeremy Sherr , Penny Stirling
Cygnus cygnus - (Cygn-c)
Singschwan / Whooper Swan
Proving: Jeremy Sherr
Falconiformes / Accipitres - Greifvögel - Birds of Prey
2 Aquila chrysaetos (Aqui-c)Accipitridae - Adlerartige - Eagles
1 Accipiter gentilis - <*expl>Habicht / Hawk, Goshawk
Steinadler / Golden Eagle
3 Buteo buteo - <*expl>Mäusebussard / Buzzard
4 Buteo jamaicensis - (But-j)Rotschwanzbussard / Common Red Tailed Hawk
5 Haliaeetus leucocephalus - (Haliae-lc)Amerikanischer Weißkopfseeadler / American Bald Eagle
Proving: Jeremy Sherr
Falconidae - Falken - Falcons
1 Falco cherrug (Falco-ch)Sakerfalke /
2 Falco peregrinus (Falco-p)
Wanderfalke / Peregrine Falcon
Proving: Micha Norland http://www.homeopathyschool.com/provings.html
Vulturidae - Geier - VulturesVultur gryphus (Vult-gr)
Andenkondor / Condor (proved by Uli Rimmler)
Cathartes aura
Turkey Vulture
proving: Todd Rowe
Strigiformes - Eulen Owls
1 Athene noctua (Athen-n)Steinkauz / Little Owl (Proving: Gerhard Ruster)
2 Tyto alba (Tyto-a)
Schleiereule / Barn Owl
Proving: Jörg Wichmann (deutsch)
(Pharm.Remedia, Austria: preparation of wing and feather)
Columbiformes (Gyrantes) Tauben Doves
Columbidae Tauben Doves
1 Columba palumbus (Columb-p)Ringeltaube / Wood Pigeon, Ring Dove
Galliformes - Hühnervögel
I Calcarea ovi testae - (Calc-o-t)Phasianidae - Hühner - Fowl
1 Gallus gallus domesticus - <*food>Haushuhn / Domestic Fowl
Eierschalenkalk / Lime of Egg-shells
II Embryo gallinae - (Gall-emb)Hühnerembryo / Chicken embryo
Syn.: Pullus embryoIII Ovi gallinae pellicula - (Ovi-p)Hühnereischalenmembran / Membrane of Egg-shell
Passeriformes - Singvögel/ Sperlingsvögel
Corvidae - Rabenvögel
1 Corvus corax - (Corv-c)Rabe / Raven
Fringillidae Finkenvögel Finches
1 Serinus canaria (Serin-c)Kanariengirlitz / Canary
Syn.: dt.:
Kanarienvogel (proved by K.J.Müller)
Sonstige Vogelprodukte / Other Bird Products
1 Guano australis - (Guan)
Seevogelkot aus Patagonien / Bird Excrements from Patagonia