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Dieses System wird vollständig überarbeitet und als NEUAUFLAGE!! "Das natürliche System der Heilmittel"
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This system will be totally revised and newly edited, published around March 15 th 2006 as " The Natural System of Remedies".
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Arthropoda – Gliederfüsser – Arthropodes (Phylum – Stamm)
a) Chelicerata – Scherenfüsser, Fühlerlose (Subphylum – Unterstamm)
Arachnida – Spinnentiere (Class – Klasse)
Scorpiones – Skorpione – Scorpions (Order – Ordnung)
Androctonus amurreuxi hebraeus - (Androc)
Syn.: Scorpio androctonus, Androctonos amoreuxii hebraeus
Buthus australis - (Buth-a)
Syn.: Buthus prionuris, Prionurus aust., Androctonus aust., Abr.: Buthus
Euscorpio europaeus / Scorpio - (Scor)
Syn.: Euscorpius spec. (italicus)
Proving: Eberle / Ritzer
Araneae – Spinnen – Spiders
Angelenidae - Trichternetzspinnen
Tegenaria atrica - (Tegen-a)
Hauswinkelspinne /
Syn.: Hausspinne
Proving: K.J.Müller
Araneidae - Radnetzspinnen - Orbweavers
Araneus diadematus / Aranea diadema - (Aran)
Kreuzspinne / Papal Cross Spider
Syn.: Diadema aranea
Aranea ixobola / Larinoides ixobolus - (Aran-ix)
Brückenkreuzspinne / Cross Spider
Aranea scinencia - (Aran-sc)
Graue Kentuckyspinne / Gray Spider
most probably belongs to the Salticidae
Araniella cucurbitina – (Aranl-cu)
Aviculariidae – Bird Spiders – Vogelspinnen
Avicularia av ./ Mygale lasiodora - (Mygal)
Vogelspinne / Black Cuban Spider
Syn.: Aranea avicularia, Mygale avicularis
Tarentula cubensis - (Tarent-c)
Syn.: Mygale c., Aranea peluda, Erypelma spinicruslee
Diese Species ist zoologisch nicht mehr identifizierbar. Sie gehört am
wahrscheinlichsten in den Umkreis der Vogelspinnen.
/ This species can not be identified anymore. Most probable it belongs to the
family of the Avicularidae.
Hexathelidae - Röhrenvogelspinnen
Atrax robustus - (Atra-r)
Austral. Trichternetzspinne / Sydney Funnel-Web Spider
Loxosceles reclusa – (Loxo-r)
/ Brown Recluse Spider
Syn.:, engl.: Fiddleback, Violin Spider
Proving Louis Klein, http://www.homeopathycourses.com/html/hmcProvings.html
Lycosidae - Wolfsspinnen
Lycosa tarantula/ Tarentula hispanica - (Tarent)
Tarantel / Spanish Spider
Syn.: L. tarentula, hispanica, engl.: Spanish Tarentula
Pholcidae – Zitterspinnen – daddy-long-leg spiders
Pholcus phalangoides - (Pholc-ph)
Große Zitterspinne
Salticidae – Springspinnen – Jumping Spiders
Portia fimbriata – (Port-fi)
Fringed Jumping Spider
Proving: Brigitte Klotzsch
Salticus scenicus - (Salt-sc) = Aranea scinencia - (Aran-sc) ??
Graue Kentuckyspinne /
Gray Spider
Zebraspringspinne ??
regarding the difficult taxonomy see below
Theridiidae - Kugelspinnen / Haubennetzspinnen
Latrodectus hasselti - (Lat-h)
austral. Witwenspinne /New South Wales Red Back Spider
Latrodectus katipo - (Lat-k)
Neuseeland-Witwe / New Zealand Spider
Die Beschreibungen der Bißwirkung von L.katipo in den homöopathischen MM sind vermutlich nicht auf Bisse dieser Spinnenart, sondern auf andere zurückzuführen. Das Mittel muß daher als ungesichert gelten. / The toxocological descriptions in the homeopathic materia medica is probably not due to being biten by this spider, but others. So this remedy has to be regarded as uncertain.KH 39, Nr.5, S.197ff
Latrodectus mactans - (Lat-m) probably identical with Ther
Schwarze Witwe / Black Widow
Syn.: dt.: Stundenglas-Spinne, Schuhknopf, engl.: Red-back Spider, Jockey Spider
Es ist nicht feststellbar, welche Species der Gattung Latrodectus, der Witwenspinnen, bezüglich ihrer Bißfolgen beobachtet worden sind und deren Giftdrüsen homöopathisch verrieben worden ist, weil die Latrodectus-Arten zum damaligen Zeitpunkt noch nicht sicher unterschieden wurden. /
It is not known which species of Latrodectus, the Widow-Spiders, was observed regarding the consequences of being bitten, and of which species the poisonous glands were potentised, since at that time it was biologically not yet possible to discrimiate between the species with certainty. KH 39, Nr.5, S.197ff
Theridion curassavicum - (Ther) probably identical with Lat-m
„Orangespinne" / „Orange Spider"
Syn.: Latrodectus curassavicus, dt.: Feuerspinnchen, Westindische Feuerspinnebö
Es ist nicht feststellbar, welche Spinnenart K. Hering für sein Mittel „Theridion" verwendet hat. Es handelte sich um auf Curacao gefangene und in Rum eingelegte ganze Spinnen, vermutlich Witwenspinnen aus der Gattung Latrodectus. Unklar ist auch, ob es sich dabei um eine eigene Spinnenart oder nur eine Varietät von L.mactans handelt, wie Leeser behauptet. /
It is unknown which spider K.Hering used for his remedy „Theridion". We know that they were found on Curacao and preserved in rum, probably a kind of Widow-Spider of the genus of Latrodectus. It is also unknown, whether „Theridion" is a species of its own or a variety of L.mactans, as Leeser states.lee, KH 39, Nr.5, S.197ff
Spinne unbekannter Familie / Spider of unknown family:
Tela aranearum - (Tela)
Spinnennetz / Spider´s Web
Syn.: dt.: Netz einer in Scheunen vorkommenden schwarzen Spinne, engl.: Cobweb of a black spider found in barnsmu
Opilionida – Weberknechte – Daddy-long-legs (Order – Ordnung)
Phalangium opilio - (Phal-op)
Gemeiner Weberknecht
(Pharma: Remedia)
Acarina – Milben – Mites (Order – Ordnung)
Acaridae/ Sarcoptidae - Lausmilben
Acarus siro / Dermatophagoides farinae– (Derm-f)
Mehlmilbe / Flour Mite
(Pharma: VSM)
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus – (Derm-p)
Hausstaubmilbe / House Dust Mite
Proving: K.-J.Müller
Sarcoptes canis– (Sarco-c)
Hunderäude / dogs´ mange or scabies
Proving: K.J. Müller,
(Pharma: Remedia)
Sarcoptes scabiei / Psorinum - (Psor)
Krätzmilbe / Scabies
Syn.: Sarcoptes scabiei
Acarapis woodii - (Acar-w)
Varroa-Bienenmilbe / Acarine Mite
(Pharma: BarthelBarthel)
Ixodidae - Zecken - Ticks
Ixodes ricinus - (Ixod-r)
Rote Zecke / Red Tic
Syn.: Holzbock, Waldzecke
Neotrombicula autumnalis - (Neotr-au)
Trombidium muscae domesticae - (Trom)
Stubenfliegenmilbe / Red Acarus of Common Fly
" Aranea scinencia" was one of the most entertaining remedies to research. The best description offered in our literature is from the prover, Wm.Rowley, "A gray spider found on old walls in Kentucky. It does not spin a web; it employs a springing lunge to take its prey." A search of the arachnology literature for Aranea scinencia failed to bring this up as a described specie, either current or historical; which was not surprising, as the genus Aranea is known for its classical orb webs.
To track this critter down, after becoming increasingly frustrated with my text- and internet-based research sources, I subscribed to an Internet discussion group of museum curators and university arachnology specialists. It was an incredible ride. After posting my brief description of our spider with a query for possible identification, I sat back to a flurry of postings of suggestions followed by crossfire of professional insults - reminiscent of a Gary Larson cartoon!
finally received an apparently sane post from the curator of arachnids at the
University of Kentucky Museum of Natural History.
He suggested that a spider, found on old walls and building foundations, that does not spin a web, but rather ambushes its prey, would most likely be a member of the family Salticidae, the jumping spiders.
Perusal of an old arachnology text revealed a small grayish spider of this family currently named Salticus scenicus, a native of Kentucky.
original on: http://www.wholehealthnow.com/homeopathy_pro/wt15g.html