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What is Hippomanes (Hippomane)?
Hippomanes is NOT allantoic fluid or meconium, as homeopathic literature (since Boericke) has it.
And it has NOthing to do with the remedy Manchinella, with which it is confused sometimes because of a similar common name in english language.But Hippomanes are soft putty-like aggregates of urinary calculus (deposits or stones) which form throughout pregnancy and are present in all placentas in the allantoic cavity. Fragments can sometimes be found in the urachus. They vary in colour and size and have a layered appearance when cut. Occasionally there are accessory small hippomanes either free in the fluid or attached to the chorio-allantoic membrane.
The hippomane is about 14 x 1.5 cm and contains high concentrations of nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and magnesium. The hippomane occurs singly in the allantoic fluid and is passed during or after second-stage delivery (this is the stage of delivery in which the foetus is expelled).
The hippomane is first found in the allantoic fluid at about Day 85. The only contribution from the foetal membranes is desquamated epithelium which provides a nucleus of tissue debris for the subsequent formation of a soft allantoic calculus.
Hippomanes (griech.)
Hippomanes (Roßbrunst, Fohlenbrot, Füllenmilz) entstehen aus nicht resorbierter Uterinmilch. Sie sind weichelastische, bräunlich bis olivgrüne Körper, die frei in der Allantois schwimmen oder stielartig am Allantochorion sitzen. Sie kommen beim Pferd, vereinzelt beim Wiederkäuer (Kälberbrot ) und selten beim Schwein vor.
(- aus Website der vet.med.Abt. der FU Berlin)
It was introduced into homeopathy by Hering, who writes in his Guiding Symptoms:
"A normally white, usually dark olive green, soft, glutinous, mucous substance, of a urinous odor, which floats in the allantois fluid, or is attached to the allantois membrane of the mare or cow chiefly during the last months of pregnancy. Triturations were made from the dried substance obtained from Rev. John Helfrich (one of the provers and an associate of the Allentown Academy) who took it from the tongue of a newly born filly. The provings are by Hering, Helfrich, Floto, Reichhelm, Husman and Neidhard. See Allen's Encyclopedia, vol. 4, p. 589."