Proposed Table of Miasms in the Plant Kingdom           



I have some thoughts and ideas about the remedies in the different miasms... could we discuss it...
Laurocerasus - Lepra or Tuberculinum ?
e.g family of Rosacea: Laurie had a case of Laurocerasus, the Lepra-Miasm was not seen. In Laurocerasus is a lot of HCN - the blueness is like in HCN - and if you take Hydrocyanicum acidum you will be dead immediately, the acute Miasm, Lauroceraus is not immediately dead - it is more the catarrh the cough, more the process of being too long in a pressure of tightness, not getting enough air, like in obstructive bronchitis - the sensation of the Rosacea family. So I would suggest to put Laurocerasus into the tubercular miasm due to cough, catarrh etc. because this is how the vital force is coping with the suffocative sensation.  
Crataegus in Cancer?
I do have a case of Crataegus, and in phytotherapie Crataegus is the fight of the rhythmical system, it helps the bloodcirculation not to stop, just to go on... but it is a straining for the heart... so I would put it into the Cancer miasm.. because the bloodsystem and the heart is getting weak but strains to get better, it is not the complete destruction since there are the thorns to defend, it is more the hardening of the process in the thorns... this is part of my case, she is always trying to carry another burden etc. even if the heart is weak...
Those are my thoughts e.g. I would like to hear your comments. 
Anne Schadde, 30.1.2012

Alchemilla vulgaris - Miasma-Vorschlag aufgrund der AMP von Ruth Sagerer: Festgehalten + gequält durch stechende, erstickende Empfindung
= Malaria (akut + Sykose oder Ringworm)
Prunus spinosa - Miasma (nach Sankaran) Festgehalten + gequält durch stechende, erstickende Empfindung = Malaria (akut + Sykose) - neuer Vorschlag: tuberkulinisch
Potentilla anserina - Vorschlag Miasma: Kritische Situation mit plötzlichem Druck, Ersticken und dem Verlangen so schnell wie möglich rauszukommen = typhös
Agrimonia eupatoria - Vorschlag Miasma: intensiver Druck durch plötzliches Ersticken und dem Verlangen so schnell wie möglich auszubrechen = tuberkulinisch.
Fragaria vesca - Miasma-Vorschlag: Festgehalten + gequält durch stechende, erstickende Empfindung = Malaria (akut + Sykose)
von Anne Schadde, nach Seminaraufzeichnungen aus 2011.


Prunus cerasifera:
One clarification is necessary regarding the remedy Prunus cerasifera in the tuberc. miasm. This is sometimes confused with Prunus cerasus because in older works P.cerasifera had the abbrev. of Prun-c and in newer ones this stands for P.cerasus, as in the list of Helios

In Reference Works both remedies are totally confused and mixed without even noticing that they are dealing with two species.
About P.cerasus we know nothing homeopathically, except that the remedy is provided by Helios.
The remedy we use is P.cerasifera, the Cherry Plum which was introduced as a Bach flower remedy and which is the one in the tub. miasm of our list and which is provided by the other pharmacies like Remedia.
(Jörg Wichmann, 15.5.2013)


Malus domestica suggested by Karim Adal according to a case he published in Interhomeopathy, March 2015.



Of a given plant group this table only shows those species that we could relate a certain miasm to. If you want to see all remedies of a plant family or order that are in current homeopathic use or that have recently been proved, you can go to the website and there to "search substances and groups", where you can chose the remedy group you are interested in.

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