Proposed Table of Miasms in the Plant Kingdom           



Comment for the suggestion of Clad-r  in Syphilitic Miasm:
WN has placed it in Leprosy Miasm. Case with description of the source, 1y follow up, symptoms with the case as well as the proving: Feeling time is infinite and I have to live eternally“.
Fall mit 1 J Folgeverlauf, u.a. Prüfungssymptome wie „ Das Gefühl die Zeit endet nie und ich muss immer weiter leben“.)
by Sigrid Lindemann,  31.7.2012

Peltigera canina as a possible attribution to the Ringworm Miasm due to a remark of Willi Neuhold according to notes of Culpepper.



Of a given plant group this table only shows those species that we could relate a certain miasm to. If you want to see all remedies of a plant family or order that are in current homeopathic use or that have recently been proved, you can go to the website and there to "search substances and groups", where you can chose the remedy group you are interested in.

And if you wish to see wonderful photographs of many of these plants (and many more) you can visit