Rajania subsemerata
Laut Michal Yakir, Wondrous Plants, p. 802 ist dieses Mittel keine Dioscoreacee, sondern eventuell Amphypterygium adstringens aus den Sapindales. Die Identität scheint völlig unklar und es sollte zumindest nicht nach systematischen Gesichtspunkten verwendet werden.
Acc. to Michal Yakir, Wondrous Plants, p. 802: The remedy name is an old botanic classification mistake. It probably relates to the plant Amphypterygium adstringens of the Sapindales order. The remedy was prepared from a different plant. Should better not be used, at least not for systematic reasons.
Of a given plant group this table only shows those species that we could relate
a certain miasm to. If you want to see all remedies of a plant family or order
that are in current homeopathic use or that have recently been proved, you can
go to the website www.provings.info and
there to "search substances and groups", where you can chose the remedy group
you are interested in.
And if you wish to see wonderful photographs of many of these plants (and many more) you can visit www.pflanzenportraits.com.