Calendula in Malaria ?
would like to discuss the question in which miasm to put Calendula.
I have one clear case of recurrent genital condylomata with soreness,
wounded feeling, all the time avoiding behaviour and phases of acute
exacerbation. So the proposed acute miasm could be just one part of
the miasm. I would suggest to put it into malaria miasm.
The plant taken as a tea is used since centuries gainst cancer, has
antispasmodic qualities. So there must be a sycotic component.
for example see here:
Traditional Uses in Herbal Medicine:
Calendula flowers were believed to be useful in reducing inflammation, wound
healing, and as an antiseptic. Calendula was used to treat various skin
diseases, ranging from skin ulcerations to eczema. Internally, the soothing
effects of calendula have been used for stomach ulcers and inflammation. A
sterile tea has also been applied in cases of conjunctivitis. Historically,
calendula is found to be antispasmodic, aperient, cholagogue, diaphoretic,
vulnerary. An infusion of the flowers can be used for such gastrointestinal
problems as ulcers, stomach cramps, colitis, and diarrhea. It is also useful
taken internally for fever, boils, abscesses, and to prevent recurrent
vomiting. The fresh juice of the herb or flowers can substitute for the
infusion. For external use, a good salve for wounds can be made from dried
flowers or leaves, from the juice pressed out of the fresh flowers, or from
the tincture. The salve or dilute tincture is good for bruises, sprains,
pulled muscles, sores, and boils. The tincture is used internally for
gastritis and for menstrual difficulties.
or here:
Calendula has been used traditionally for abdominal cramps and
constipation.[10] In experiments with rabbit jejunum the aqueous-ethanol
extract of Calendula officinalis flowers was shown to have both spasmolytic
and spasmogenic effects, thus providing a scientific rationale for this
traditional use.[10] An aqueous extract of Calendula officinalis obtained by
a novel extraction method has demonstrated anti-tumor (cytotoxic) activity
and immunomodulatory properties (lymphocyte activation) in vitro, as well as
anti-tumor activity in mice.[4]
Andreas Holling, 29.2.2012
Tussilago farfara in the tubercular miasm, suggested by Wyka Feige on the basis of one case of herself and two cases by Gertraude Kittler.
Artemisia absinthum (Absin) in leprous miasm according to a seminar of Rajan Sankaran in Munich, Oct. 2019. (report JW)
Of a given plant group this table only shows those species that we could relate
a certain miasm to. If you want to see all remedies of a plant family or order
that are in current homeopathic use or that have recently been proved, you can
go to the website and
there to "search substances and groups", where you can chose the remedy group
you are interested in.
And if you wish to see wonderful photographs of many of these plants (and many more) you can visit